Bastian van Mierlo Software Bastian was founded in 2013. What first started as a freelance part-time job is 10 years later a software consulting company with three permanent employees and a permanent team of freelance programmers.
The core feature that distinguishes our still young and small team from other software consulting companies is that in spite of being a small team we have a global network, feel at home in national and international project management, can carry out projects in both German and English and have a lot of experience and an extensive know-how. We work entirely remotely from Germany, the Iberian Peninsula, Asia and South America and use agile methodologies in our work. We attach great importance to reliable and solid support for our customers - both in consulting and in programming. The quality of our work always takes precedence over quantity.
We offer our customers realistic and timely solutions. We advise non-governmental organizations, intergovernmental organizations, associations and companies with regard to introducing a new software and provide support for the new or old software. Supporting the charitable work of our customers and sustainability are very important to us and mean a lot to us.
Services for non-profit organizations are the focus of our internal product development. Although our current application focus is clearly on Microsoft Dynamics Business Central and the Power Platform, we do not commit ourselves to a specific technology, but use what is best for our customers and products.
Our core competencies are based in the Microsoft Dynamics 365 landscape. Our portfolio includes, among others:
Introduction of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central
Support, further development and upgrade of existing Microsoft Dynamics 365 NAV installation
Creation of interfaces from and to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central/NAV​
Power Platform
Development of applications based on Microsoft Dataverse​
Provision of evaluations based on PowerBI
Introduction of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales and Marketing​
Introducing Microsoft Fundraising and Engagement​
We look forward to new customers and new challenges!
Microsoft Partner & Mitglied bei Companial
ERP Systeme sind professionelle Lösungen für Ihre Finanzbuchhaltung und ersetzen Insellösungen, die sich mit der Zeit in einer Organisation aufgebaut haben und erleichtern Ihre Arbeit.
Power Platform
In Microsoft Power Platform wurden die vier Low-Code Microsoft - Produkte Power Apps, Power Automate, Power BI und Power Virtual Agents kombiniert und bieten so den Nutzern, die selbst keine Programmier-kenntnisse haben, in Unternehmen die Möglichkeit Anwendungen /Apps, Workflows, Analysen oder Chatbots für das Unternehmen zu erstellen.
Zentrale CRM Lösungen ersetzen Insellösungen für die Verwaltung, Nachverfolgung und das Speichern von Informationen, die für ihre Organisation, ihre Prozesse und Kundenbetreuung relevant sind.
Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach einer Software Lösung sind, die Ihr Fundraising professionell unterstützt, bietet Ihnen Fundraising and Engagement umfassende Möglichkeiten, alle Bereiche Ihres Fundraisings zu planen und zu managen.